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Final Piece

Dream project.png

This is my final piece, its cute right?

Here is what my classmates said they thought about it and their representation within the piece. 



In my opinion my work could have come out better if I improve my skills, While I think my drawing skills have improved there is a large room for improvement. My weaknesses in this piece are the background and the shading. while I dont think they are bad, I do believe there is lots of room to improve. The reason I chose to do this as my task was because while I felt this was my strongest type of work however I have come to realise that even though its my strongest type it doesn't mean I am the best at it. 


Improvements I could make in the future are to work harder on making the characters more expressive and making poses more dynamic as well as incorporating more personality into the characters. With the current way I am doing my shading the image still feels a bit flat and its not to the point I would like it to be as ideally I want to be able to create realistic artwork in my own style, which isnt something I can currently do. I know I need to learn how to use lighting correctly as the lighting isnt actually on any of the characters correctly looking at it from an outside view and the background is very bland. Those are probably the biggest weaknesses of the piece overall.


Ways I could improve the expressions of my characters is by observing more people to create a more realistic expression as well as creating characters I can use my imagination to picture how there would look in the situation. With backgrounds the only way I can do is keep practicing to improve them and looking at online tutorials for tips. For posing all I can do is to keep practising doing pose drawings and using reference images as I draw to improve them. In the future I should also work on making the shading and line art more defined and less anime styled. 


There are some parts of this I am fond of and that would be the way I have created a piece that actually makes me think of my classmates when I look at it, Personally I can look at the picture and go, I remember what made me choose to draw this person like this. For Jamie I decided to draw him holding the smoke in a way that would make you feel he was approachable and for James I made his body double look insane. In this piece the hardest part was actually deciding how to draw my self, since my style changes alot and im overly childish; which is why I ended up drawing myself more fantasy based than everyone else. 


I made myself more fantasy based by drawing myself as an elf with massive eyes, paws instead of hands and tail while everyone else is fully human, the clothing elements were chosen by my classmates as I thought letting them decide what they were wearing would help them identify with my drawing of them more then if I had just chosen random clothing based on my idea of what a group of villains would wear. Due to this the piece encapsulates our teenage selves better then I think I would have been able to do without their input.  Since everyone has their own take on what a villain would wear it was quite ironic that 3/5 chose suits for themselves. 


With the way it turned out, I can say I'm glad I managed to finish the piece however I could have invested more time into creating a more intricate set of poses then the ones I ended up using to make the picture better. I really need to step up my lighting and shading in my next piece as it feels like they are the biggest let downs over all. I will work harder on making them correct in the future. 

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