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 Decide what to create - 27/9/18 - 7/10/18 - using the ideas that have been created during this time to create tests and come up with an idea of which one you think would be the best for your project. 


Project Proposal - 7/10/18 - Write up the project proposal of the task decided on for the piece to be created


Design research - 7/10/18 - 24/9/18 - Come up with ideas on how to present the piece and deicide if there is anything extra needed to create the idea, using the time here to collect images that may be referenced and textures that may be used.




Begin production - 24/9/18 - Start work on creating piece


Finish Production - 23/11/18 - Finish creating piece


Post Production

Evaluation - 23/11/18 - 12/12/2018 - Type up evaluation and make sure all the information is given 

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